Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stream 1.09

== Edit TFBS-map with STREAM ==
Stream now allows you to delete a TFBS or edit its PWM score. These changes have an undo-function.

== Edit DNA sequence with STREAM ==
Stream displays the provided DNA sequence in an editor for you to introduce changes directly to the sequence. The editor also highlights the TFBSs as colored landmarks. These changes have an undo-function.

== Save PWMs in the xml file ==
Stream now saves the provided position weight matrices (PWMs) in the xml file. It also stores the background and PWM threshold you specified.

== Python scripts ==
There are also some python-scripts available on the webpage, which supports the generations of xml files. These python-scripts can:
- extract subsequences from a larger FASTA-file
- generate xml files from STREAM friendly sequence, PWM, expression, TFBS-map files
- merge .xml files
- generate new .xml files containing only a subset of the expression data
- calculate the theoretical maximal PWM-score given a PWM
- generate random data given a xml file

- section corrected so that xml files generated after training can be read in again.

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